Imacon scanning
Please note that you have to do the Imacon intro course before using the scanner!
The Imacon scanner is for film only. If you are scanning other media use the Canon flatbed scanner and for 35mm the Nikon is recommened. This is a scanner for high resolution prints.
0. Turn on the Imacon and computer
Always turn on the Imacon before you start the computer. Use the red small button on the left. Start the computer and login using the details you got in the intro course.
1. Start the software
FlexColor software should open automatically otherwise it's in the Applications folder.
2. Place the negtive in the holder
It's very helpful to use cotton gloves in loading your film into the holders to avoid damaging your negatives. Knepp sells these for 15kr a pair.
Place the negative emulsion (the matte side) side down in the negative holder.
It’s helpful to clean the negative with compressed air after it’s been placed in the holder to minimize dust.
3. Feed the holder to the scanner
Place the negative holder with middle notch facing up on the loading platform so that it is between the two metal guides on each side. The metal notch should fit snugly into the black magnetic holder. It's imporant to be carefully here as incorrect feeding can damage the scanner.
4. Set Film type
Select your film type in Setup (B&W negative standard for B&W film, RGB negative standard for color film).
5. Set Frame size
Select the negative frame size of the holder you're using. (135 = 24x36) (120 = 6x6x2 or 6x7) (Largeformat = 4'x5' or 13x18cm)
6. Set Mode
Under Mode select RGB 16-bit for color negatives and Grayscale 16-bit for B&W negatives.
7. Preview
Click Preview for a quick view of the negatives.
8. Set PPI
Select your resolution size (PPI). The highest resolution for 35mm is 6300, 6x6, 6x7 and 6x9 is 3200, 4x5 is 2040. Choosing the highest resolution possible will give you a large file that’s resolution can be reduced to increase the size of the image. However a higher resolution takes much longer time, I ussally scan in around 1600 unless for a hires-print.
9. Select what to scan
Once the preview has opened, drag the marquee to the edges of your image.
10. Corrections
Under Corrections there are several icons that will allow you to make color and density corrections.
The "A" will make general auto corrections based on the area in the bounding box.
The red graph icon to the far left is the Histogram. Clicking that button will show a graph of the tonal range of the image in the bounding box. The sliders underneath the graph show the output level from where the scan will begin collecting data. To get the most information possible in the highlight and shadow areas pull the sliders on the far left and right to edges of the data in the graph. The middle slider can be moved back and forth to increase or decrease exposure of the middle tones.
Within the Histogram dialogue a simple way to adjust the color balance is to use the gray pipette to select an area of the image you feel is close to neutral gray. Click the pipette on that area and the software will adjust the color balance of the image according to the neutral gray you selected. You can try various areas in the image to determine the color balance you want.
11. Sharpening and FlexTouch
Turn sharpening off (Set Unsharp Mask ON and amount -120). Sharpen in Photoshop with Smart Sharpen for better results. Turn FlexTouch OFF and remove dust in Photoshop.
12. Scan
Once you have the exposure and color balance you want, click Scan. A dialogue box will appear asking for a file name and location.
Last updated